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CMA & GSBF - Mineral Rights Event

On 6th October 2022, the Critical Minerals Association & the Geological Society Business Forum held a closed-door workshop to discuss the Great Britain (GB) Mineral Rights System. The event aimed to highlight the challenges and complexities of GB mineral rights, frame recommendations around the system for junior mining companies and experienced mining companies alike.

The event included case studies and presentations from Mike Armitage, Jasper Thomas and Tristan English of Sarn Helen Gold, Drew Craig of Aberdeen Minerals and Charlie Moon from Camborne School of Mines on the use of the land registry, acquiring mineral rights in GB and comparison with systems outside of GB. Complexities explored included costs, ease of access and improving access to education for mineral surveying and mining engineering.

Attendees enjoyed an afternoon of debate, discussing ideas for the mineral rights system, including adopting techniques seen in different fields both within and outside of GB, such as the work of the Coal Authority and systems in countries such as Zambia. From miners, lawyers, mineral surveyors to the British Geological Survey and Government, all aspects of expertise were brought together for the discussion.

In the evening over 100 attendees filled the Geological Society at Burlington House, London for open presentations and panel discussions with Professor Frances Wall & Dr Charlie Moon (Camborne School of Mines), Ian Coles (Mayer Brown), Mike Armitage (Geological Society Business Forum), Drew Craig (Aberdeen Minerals) James McFarlane (Tungsten West), and Roderick Smith (British Lithium). The event attracted plenty of interest, and the appeal in learning more about the mineral rights system was overwhelming with over 150 sign ups, showing the wide ranging interest in this niche topic. The evening would not have been complete without a drinks reception.

To keep abreast of upcoming events, sign up to the Critical Minerals Association's mailing list under 'contact.' For Geological Society Business Forum events, sign up here.

We thank everyone who attended and hope all who spent the evening with us enjoyed. With extra special thanks to our sponsors Aberdeen Minerals, Tungsten West and Cornwall Resources for making the event happen, City Dining for catering and Camilo Queipo for photography.

To stay involved in work around mineral rights, sign up here. Read our mineral rights recommendations here.

Article by Becca Kirk, Camborne School of Mines & Events Coordinator, CMA.

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