cma & Geological society business forum 2nd annual conference
delivering the uk's critical minerals ambitions
On the 28th November 2022, the Critical Minerals Association and the Geological Society Business Forum welcomed industry experts and representatives to Burlington House for a series of talks and discussions on delivering the UK's recently published Critical Minerals Strategy.
The event began with an APPG Critical Minerals breakfast reception in the House of Commons where Baroness Northover, outlined the importance of critical minerals.
The event concluded with a drinks reception welcoming wider industry, government officials and support services.
We would like to thank Cherilyn Mackrory MP for her continuous support of the APPG Critical Minerals and for actively engaging with the industry.
Thank you to our co-convenors, The Geological Society of London, for their support, and our sponsors, SRK Consulting, Tungsten West, Sovereign Metals, Minviro, Minexia, Dalradian.
The release of the UK's Critical Minerals Strategy in 2022 represents a significant milestone for the sector, and covers a wide breadth of issues, from creating an enabling environment in the UK, to responsible sourcing and international collaboration.
We look forward to welcoming you all again next year!
You can watch session recordings here.
Kirsty Benham & Jeff Townsend, Founders, Critical Minerals Association
Peter Dolan, Founder, Geological Society Business Forum
critical minerals industry overview
Julian Kettle, Wood Mackenzie
UK government & the critical minerals strategy
Matt Hatfield, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Ros Lund, Department for International Trade
Joseph Mansour, Department for International Trade
Chaired by Jeff Townsend, Critical Minerals Association
UK Government's BEIS Expert Committee
Guy Winter, Fasken
Jeremy Wrathall, Cornish Lithium
Frances Wall, Camborne School of Mines
Chaired by Jeff Townsend, Critical Minerals Association
Critical minerals intelligence cenre OVerview
Paul Lusty, British Geological Survey
rare earth elements - global geological overview
Martin Pittuck, SRK Consulting
rare earth elements- uk midstream development
Ian Higgins, Less Common Metals
Paul Atherley, Pensana
Allan Walton, Hypromag
Chaired by Jeff Townsend, Critical Minerals Association
Research & Innovation
Frances Wall, Camborne School of Mines
Sam Broom-Fendley, E-Tech Resources
Lucy Smith, MPIUK
Chaired by Will Drury, UKRI
Base metals - global geological overview
Tom Stock, SRK Consulting
ESG, Law & Governance
Ellie Inglis-Woolcock, Cornwall Council
Jane Joughin, SRK Consulting
Tim Baines, Mayer Brown
Chaired by Emma Beatty, Minehutte
overseas diplomatic support
Rob Macaire, Rio Tinto
Charles Douglas Hamilton, Optiva Resources
George Frangeskides, GreenRoc Mining
Chaired by Joseph Mansour, UK Government DIT
Geological data & Geophysics surveys
Drew Craig, Aberdeen Minerals
Richard Williams, Cornish Metals
Patrick Anderson, Dalradian
David Cather, Tungsten West
Chaired by Paul Lusty, BGS
funding mining projects
Amanda van Dyke, ARCH Emerging Partners
Richard Lloyd, Minexia
Alice England, Ecora Resources
John Gale, BMO
Chaired by Jonathan Henry, Giyani Metals
battery materials - global geological overview
Angela O'Rourke, Geoscience Australia
supplying gigafactories
Nick Wells, Jaguar Land Rover
Milan Thakore, Green Lithium
George Donne, Giyani Metals
Ellen Lenny-Pessagno, Albemarle
Chaired by Darryn Quayle, Worley